The season of the cold creams and hot soups is on full swing, making us lethargic like never before. Getting out of bed seems like a big task making looking good and maintaining your beauty routine something like a mission impossible.
But then there is a price for everything in life….same applies to having a great skin and hair!
Here are few tips which will make sure that you have a sooth sailing winter:
Eat lots of protein rich foods like Paneer, Chicken, Eggs, Soyabean, nuts and other dairy products. Have lots of hot soups to boost your immune system to fight against the cold weather. Also take Cod liver oil supplements.
Even though you might not feel the need to have it still force yourself to have atleast 8-10 glasses of water daily. It rinses out your system well.
3.Oil Bath
Massage oil over entire body and let it stay for as long as possible- minimum 30 minutes then have a bath with luke warm water. Do this atleast once a week.
Also, you can pour some oil in bath water and use it directly for bathing.
Never step out without a moisturizer. Also, invest in a good over night cream and apply it after cleansing thoroughly.
Use a mixture of oil with sugar crystals to exfoliate. Rub this mixture onto your body before bath for 5-10 mins then carry on with your normal bath routine.
Constantly staying cuddled up inside the quilt will do no good for your blood circulation. Doing atleast half an hour of aerobics everyday will not only support your muscles but bring that much desired pinkish glow to your face.
7.Winter Beauty Packs
a. For Glow and Anti-Dryness
Take Milk cream, add honey, almond oil and few drops of lime juice.
Mix this paste thoroughly and apply on entire face and neck. Keep it for 15 mins and wash off using luke warm water.
b.For Anti-Dryness and Tan Removal
Take some boiled milk
Add a little lime Juice in it
Let it set for another half an hour
Now mix a little glycerine in it
You can apply this mixture either on your face or all over the body and let it absorb for 30 mins.
Rinse off with Luke warm water.
Winter’s biggest curse are the cruel wave of cold and cough that catch us unawares. They are a true bummer to the otherwise excellent weather.
Make sure to eat lots of Vitamin C found in- Indian Gooseberries , oranges and lemon to help fight against the cold.
9.For Hair
First of all do not wash your hair very frequently during winters. Take regular hair spa treatment available in any of the good beauty parlour in your area. For home care follow as given below
Apply warm olive oil and massage for 15 mins. Keep it overnight and wash off in the morning.
Apply a mixture of eggs with curd and lemon juice as hair pack during winters
Make sure that you exfoliate your lips atleast once a week. Take a soft tooth brush, dip it in warm water and without using toothpaste gently brush your lips. Follow this tip with a soothing and quality lip balm, you can also use vaseline. Besides, ensure that whatever lip gloss you use, it should have moisturizing features.
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